In the Cooler Air

It is such a relief to feel cool again.

I slept really really well between the sofa and the bed. I even had cold fingers when I woke up this morning. The window beside me had been wide open all night which is probably why. Despite that, nobody seemed to want to enter and burgle or assault us. Shame really, it might have livened things up!

I had a nightmare trying to get T up and dressed this morning. He was really washed out and seemed very tired . I almost gave up. Yesterday had been quite full on for him, socially and it does seem to take it out of him. I suspect Saturday might be a bed day.

We eventually made it to day care. And I walked H at Cholsey Rec where I finally worked out (with a bit of help) how the network of paths link up with each other and back to the church near the day centre.
My helper was a charming young man, who had lived locally for a short while, and before that at Benson. RAF Benson, because he is in the RAF. A helicopter pilot no less. But he had just taken a year out to do an MSc and was just returning to helicoptering. His little black rescue dog was a sweety too and very well trained. A bit like his owner I think. Instant responses.
There are a few, rare people who make instant, positive impressions on me and he was one such person. He seemed very kind and had adjusted his pace to talk to me and walk with me for a while. Kind. All my life, I’ve been left behind when walking anywhere, with anyone, and have had to do catch up.

I remember walking the streets of Kensington behind T a long time ago, and having to trot to keep within range.


I returned H home, to avoid her cooking in the car. Even though it is cooler, i dont line leaving her in the car
Ali had told me that Lidl was having a Greek event. She told me that a friend had fed her some vine leaves and beans from there last week which were very good. I have frozen food too – some small tiropittas , as well as olives, a tub of briny feta, pilafi, some gigantes and vine leaves, cheese for saganaki and other bits and pieces.

I also picked up apricots. A Guardian article pointed out the UK is experiencing . a glut of apricots this year. They are apparently best if caramelised to bring out the flavour.

Once I was home, now that you can sit in the stationary car without being roasted, I decided to tackle the problem of the tyre deflation icon. The tyres have been pumped up but the icon and its annoying sound signals remain on.

Page 222 of the handbook contained instructions as to how to reinitialise the icon. My first problem was I could not find the settings icon to allow me to reset things.

Yes… I pressed the home icon on the left of the steering wheel which was guaranteed to take me to settings. Only it didn’t ! Frustrated, I tried all sorts of similar things. To no avail. And gave up. After quite a while.
It was soon time to pick up T who ate an ice cream, rather than the grapes, on the way home. Then another ice cream at home. Then he disappeared into the bedroom.

Meanwhile I entertained myself with a 32 minute youtube video titled something like ’Hinda Jazz Crosstar handover’ . Thereafter followed a voyage of discovery into all the amazing features of my car. All the ones I didn’t know about or didn’t understand.

But, the very last minute of the video held the key to my problem . It’s all to do with the location of the home button – there are two. One ON the left of the steering wheel, and the other TO the left of the steering wheel.

Once I located the correct home button, the problem was solved in about two seconds.

Swan Upping took place yesterday, not that I saw it.

Thought for the Day

“The only problem with troubleshooting is that sometimes trouble shoots back.”

Mike Trout: 

“Technology is ruled by two types of people: those who manage what they do not understand, and those who understand what they do not manage.”

C.P. Snow: 

“Technology…is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.”






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