More Heat on its way

Today has been another hot day but with a bit of breeze to take the edge of the heat. The forecasters are now talking about 3 days around 40C thru Sunday to Tuesday. The Great Heat is on its way. As I have named it.

The sofa held me in its thrall for a while last night, but despite all that, I managed to continue what I started on the sofa, once I was in bed. My routine at bedtime involves switching off the electric blanket that T insists on switching on, and then I open all the windows that he has closed.

That’s another obsession ( or hope?) he has – that someone will climb in and rob us, murder us, rape us or carry out some other delightful personal abuse . As if H would allow that!

I had a brief wakeful period during the night but it didn’t last. And I was soon flexing before my two hours of nagging began. H hasn’t had a long walk today, more a succession of shorter opportunities, some of which joined up – to the Rec, round the field at Cholsey, in and about Streatley, coffee with Ali, kiss chase with Minnie. etc etc

I also spent time pottering whilst T was preparing himself for Day Care. The pot plants are becoming a right mess. More than a little pottering will be required to sort them out.

I had a lovely coffee at Alis, enjoying the garden, while H played a little with Minnie. When she wasn’t discussing the weather or putting the world to rights with an unknown noisy dog at the end of the garden.

Yesterday, Ali had a run in with ’an arrogant tosser’ at the DWP whilst trying to sort out Lena’s financial entitlement. A plan had already been agreed with a different member of staff which suited everyone, but the arrogant tosser decided to change it to something which suited no one, except him. This meant he was completely overlooking the fact that Lena is working, (but not as many hours as they want), has a 6 year old child to care for, attends 6 hours of English lessons each week, ( to better herself) and has no transport to get her to Reading for a weekly appointment. (3 hours return trip via train) to achieve what? A host’s remit does not include being a taxi service, translator, acting as a personal solicitor etc etc. No wonder, the system is struggling.

However, Laura Farris, (Tory : / ) Newbury MP and her minions have been very helpful. And Ali has an email from them in response, to a previous thank you from Ali, saying what a pleasure it had been to help her and how reasonable she had been.

Now, Gregory, arrogant tosser at the DWP, may you squirm in your seat. Ali has caught you out lying, proven beyond doubt, in information you gave her. Not just one lie either. Hence the official complaint that is on its way concerning your unprofessional attitude and lies. No one tells my daughter to ’get out, ’ twice, and gets away with it.

I expect DWP staff have to deal with all sorts of difficult and aggressive people, but entitlements are entitlements and respect and reason should be part of the process.

I blame Pritti Shitti and Biris. The Observer has been running a thread hinting that Homes for Ukraine has its problems. Pritti Shitti is probably the main one.

Rant over.

I visited Lidl to stock up the fridge as I probably will not wish to go shopping in the Great Heat.

Lidl is full of surprises. You can never be quite sure what products will be available. It was clothes washing substances that were in short supply today. And as for the brown bread…And kitchen roll…

But I have lots of green beans and fruit. I wonder if I can combine them… bean fruit salad perhaps.

There is Great News to accompany the Great Heat:


The new Roberts estate – more land to left

Completion on Pen and Dave’s new house has finally happened.

The old house, small ring, the new, big ring

Thought for the Day






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