Boy – I ended the day watching his 2 hour set at Glastonbury. McCartney at 80 years old. 2 hours full on. Boy was he amazing, with a little help from Springsteen and Grohl. The fans – a fraction of his age, have clearly had time, in their brief life span so far, to familiarise themselves with music of our youth.
Lauren Laverne, was supposed to be presenting at Glastonbury- but she lost her mother, not as in mislaid. Suddenly, I presume. She said of her:
‘She ran the only reggae club night in the NE and told me that being young in the 60s felt like that line in Mr Tambourine Man ‘to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free’. (LL talking about her mother who must have died suddenly. )
Well – I know that feeling-
Liginiac, Auvergne, France circa 1962 – I walked there listening to this song. I sat watching firelies (aka glow worms) on the Puy de Manzagol, many evenings. Days at Le Maury near Neuvic d’Ussel. I remember the warmth, the dust, the loo/ throne installed for my use; i remember the cauldron that hung over the open fire; the smell of woodsmoke in the mashed potato and the apple pie. Hot chocolate and dipped bread for brekkie. Mme Viges… Here, I fell in love with France…and with Mr Tambourine Man…

Better ‘get back’ in the immortal words of Sir Paul.
I experienced a treasonable sleep and woke up for a little while around 03.30. But was soon asleep again until a more sensible hour.
Ali was on the phone around 09.00, having taken Fleur to the Rowbarge for something to do with her D of E award. She was suggesting the two of us meet for brekkie, then it became the wider family that should meet. T was so anxious not to miss this social event, that I was able to pour him into his clothes, stand him upright, and march him to the car. Never mind washing behind his ears, or any other part of him.
I managed to book a table at Pierreponts for 10.00. The area was already swarming with people due to a weekend celebrating the Life of George Michael. And Pierreponts is right by his house.
We returned home after brekkie and a pleasant hour or so. Ali warned me that Lena is struggling a bit at the moment. The Russians released around 60 missiles over Ukraine last night. I had not understood that the air raid warnings/ alerts affect the whole of Ukraine because the targets are never known.
Lena has been here around 4/5 weeks now. And in many ways is much more settled but is also still finding her feet. She was also a bit anxious about how long she will be able to stay with the Illis. At least 6-9 months is what Ali has in mind. Ali wants life to return to normal by September 2023, which is when Fleur starts her GCSEs.
Lena is just a lovely person. I hope Ali’s assurances left her feeling more settled. We have all been invited to Ukraine. But I think she may also be considering settling more permanently over here, if she can get Oleg over. Or I may have misunderstood.
We went to Basildon Park this afternoon, picking up Lena, Timur and Minnie. There, the Ukranians met their friends from Pangbourne (a mother, a baby, another 6 year old boy and a granny) and we left them all to play while we walked the dogs.
It was a lovely warm afternoon, but windy if you were in the wrong place.

The Illingworths are at Wembley for an Ed Sheeran concert

And as if that was not enough, Pen and Dave went to see Elbow in Bristol yesterday.
I detected people of a certain age amongst the spectators.
We enjoyed a bit of Glastonbury when we were back home. Not quite the same I know.
Until McCartney came on -headlining the Pyramid Stage – and what followed was rivetting. I can hardly speak. 2 whole hours of the man and his wonderful sounds.
Thought for the Day

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