I had another decent sleep on the slope. But I was awoken at some silly time by a persistent headache which required paracetamol in the hope of driving it away. i also awoke with most of the aches and pains of yesterday still present. In fact, I felt pretty crap.
We had to get going at a reasonable time because it was my day to take Lena to her English lessons in Wallingford which I can combine with taking T to Day Care and follow it all with a walk for H.
T really dragged his heels in the shower and was generally uncooperative. I felt a bit edgy because I did not want to be late for Lena, but all was well in the end.
Having dropped my passengers off, H and I walked through Cholsey churchyard and across the fields for a little way. The sun shone and the birds tweeted and all was pretty. My aches and pains did not make the walk easy, so on the way back we took advantage of a bench amongst the graves.
Apart from a strimmer in the distance and similarly distant cries of children in the school grounds, it was peaceful. During the walk, H had found two areas of great interest – the long grasses surrounding the wheat, and the hedgerows bordering the little railway. And she spent a lot of time rolling. And rolling some more.

By the time I arrived home, Brenda was due in about 30 mins only her texts indicated a frustrating journey of road closures. She arrived via the scenic route!
I managed to drown a few plants before her arrival.
She is still testing positive for Covid, 10 days on, which has been a miserable experience for her. After 10 days, you are unlikely to be infectious, so we agreed to keep our date but changed the venu to the B and W so we could sit outside by the river. Such a sacrifice! Easier for me too for picking up T. She is well again now, despite being quite poorly and still testing positive. We had a good natter followed by coffee in our garden. Not just down to me offering, but their coffee machine was being serviced.
By the time I had gathered up T from day care, I was utterly knackered and borrowed an hour from the afternoon to relax. Supper was sandwiches. And fruit. I managed to keep awake long enough to watch Sherwood. I might beed to watch it again because the devil is in the detail, some of which i may have missed.
The News is mostly about railstrikes. Lena and Timur had spent Sunday in Oxford with some Ukranian acquaintances based in Pangbourne. They had all travelled by train and had a terrible journey back due to train cancellations and misinformation. Bad enough for locals to deal with, never mind foreigners. I have a feeling that trains in Ukraine are more reliable.
But they found safety in numbers, as they linked up with new Ukrainian acquaintances from Cholsey, who were also stuck. So for Lena, the connections are useful. Transport is their main problem as none of them have their own car, so depend on hosts or buses or trains. Lena does not ride a bike – yet. Ali has plans! Lena has ridden the Peloton. That is a start.
Thought for the Day

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