I slept well on the slippery slope that is my place in the bed. And I got myself and H up early enough to avoid the main heat. Of which there was plenty. I had other commitments later anyway.
I chose to walk her along the towpath at the end of Ferry Lane in Cholsey. This was so that she could paddle in the shallows. The time was just after 07.00 and I could not believe how many cars were already parked there. It was a very pleasant walk meeting more than a few pets and their people. I bumped into a friend of Ali’s. As well as a few river users. Calm and quiet prevailed.

We had to get home promptly after a quick trip to a local Tesco’s.
I was due to meet Elena and Timur at 10.50. We eventually met at 11.15 for me to drive them to a 12.00 biometric screening appointment in Abingdon. This appointment was necessary to extend their visas to 3 years.
Something had got lost in translation and E was waiting in the wrong car park. One I could not drive to due to the roadworks and the car park rendezvous was a reflection of the inconvenience of these works.
So we were nearly 30 minutes late leaving, but only 8 minutes late arriving at Abingdon library.
The biometric screening involved scans of paperwork and passports, facial photographs and finger and thumb prints. Timur was really good at doing things correctly with a little prompting from his mother. The screening man checked everything he had done was correct and asked for permission to send the results screening direct. Direct to where, remains a mystery.
Their visas will now arrive sometime soon.
I promised Timur an ice cream, because we were all very hot and sticky and his behaviour was impeccable. We ended up at the Waterfront under an orange umbrella. Timur decided on pizza before his ice cream. He had had a sad start to the day with first signs of homesickness and missing his father.
But it was a pleasant time that we whiled away over coffee and ice cream. I returned them to the car park. E had to visit the chemist as Ali had asked the GP for something stronger to combat the hay fever that is making her eyes very sore. We have been warned that pollen levels are exceptionally high at the moment.

Once home, I thought I would have to investigate any mischief T might have created. But, at 14.10 he was still glued to the bed so little mischief was apparent. The delivery of frozen food from Cook had been taken in and had remained frozen so I was able to stow it in the freezer.
I had returned with an aubergine and some courgettes so could feel a briam coming in. Or something similar.
It was uncomfortably hot outside so I remained located within the cool of the house. The plants were allowed a drink and T pottered around.
The temperature remained high until well into the evening. I think I may have dozed off. T gurgled his way through another hilarious episode of Taskmaster.
Supper was the remains of the bean stew with some Cook aubergine dush.
Thought for the day

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