Still felt completely drained when I awoke this morning. The night had been pretty grim with a long wakeful period. The sky this morning was not a pretty sight. It was the sort of awakening which makes you not want to awaken.
But T had to be taken to day care, and, once again, he complied. And was delivered. On time.
As I dropped him off, he was asked if he would like to join the group on Wednesday instead of Friday. Next Friday, the centre will not be open, as it is a Bank Holiday. On Wednesday, the clients will be exposed to special Jubilee Celebrations. With tea and musical goings on. So, he gets to go on Wednesday instead. And he was keen to be there. And I get Wednesday in exchange for Friday. Win win.
I took H for a short walk round the fields near the Centre, before returning her home. I had a hair appointment and I needed to get to the Ukranians to pick them up so they could explore Goring.
Chez nous, we were mid the promised power cut at this point. (whilst necessary work was carried out. )
I took Lena and Timur into Goring to let them explore the shops whilst I got the chop. By the time we met up again, it was pouring with rain. Very heavy rain so we had to wait under shelter until its ferocity had died down.
Lidl, in Wallingford, was next on the list for Elena. Armed with a basket on wheels , she and Timur disappeared. I had shopping of my own to do and when I had finished, I awaited them in the car. And waited. And, wondering as to their whereabouts, I returned to the shop to find them dragging their feet to the till. Of course shopping here is a new and very foreign experience for Lena . She seemed happy enough. Although Lidl and Aldi are peppered throughout Ukraine. The bits Pootin has not yet destroyed. I could barely believe it when she told me she had paid less than she would have done in Ukraine.

Pointing at the price of a litre of petrol (around £1.79) she said 1 litre would be £9.00 in Ukraine. I’m not sure about the accuracy of her Maths. That seems a lot.
After some driving around, I swapped L and little T for big T. And returned home.
The Illis had a fab family diving session in Mauritius this morning. They are off on a tour of the island tomorrow.

Power was back, as promised, when I finally arrived home. But I realised there had been a disturbance in the force as far as the TV and internet reception were concerned. I added 1+2 and it came to 4 so I realised the power cut had probably tinkered with our internet reception. The blind led the blind and I found myself in a two way alleyway where judicious use of the wifi code opened Sesame with a blinding light illuminating the tunnel.
I’m quite proud of all those mixed metaphors. But T has stated it as it is: “Good job you are a genius.”
A little rest was required, after my hideous night, and I quickly lost contact with reality.
Art tomorrow. Uluru I believe. But now I’ve given that away, you won’t need to struggle to be polite because you will instantly recognise the focus of my attention. Dear Reader. Ha ha.
Green petrol was £1.69 this morning. Perhaps I misread it yesterday. Diesel £1.83.
Thought for the Day

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