Spring Fever or what? Heidi…does her own thing.
A good sleep; my awakening was preoccupied with exercise and the need to walk H. We were going out for the day and I wanted to walk H before delivering her to the Illis who were doing doggy daycare.
H and I had a lovely sort of early walk at Castle meadows. It was sunny / cloudy and T shirt temperatures. It was about half way round the circuit that H had her first adventure of the day. Where to? Doing what? Well ask her because I have no idea. I just became aware she was not to be seen and did not trouble herself with returning when I called her.
Eventually, after several very long minutes, I wandered back up the hill and heard a pounding of paws from behind me. And a very waggy tail joined us attached to a panting dog. I expect it was bunnies in the long grass or the hedgerow that were to blame. Or maybe she got stuck on the wrong side of the fence in the bulls’ field.
Only she knows.
I dropped her off at the Illis and met Elena (Lena) and Timur. Timur was busy playing hockey with F and G. He is really sweet and Lena is absolutely delightful. Fingers crossed that this refugee arrangement works out for them all. There are many long months ahead. First impressions are very positive. Later, Ali took them all down the road to Ian’s swimming pool. Ian is her senior partner at work, and is away, so they are doing doggy care for him. That comes with use of their swimming pool.
We left for Neal and Anne’s arriving more or less on time. And had a wonderful time and delicious lunch until about 14.30 – when ‘it’ arrived. The text message that is . I had no internet and the phone signal there was very poor.

Oh No!! Not another adventure! What are the Illis up to?
Well… just as this text arrived with me, and I fought the lack of signal to reply and to inform the Illis, Ali was home again and had realised her husband’s folly and that H was missing. Alarm bells were ringing. Loud ones.
And as to how it happened – Well… Ali and co had gone down the road to swim. Dave had decided to tidy the front garden leaving the door open. H had clearly thought this was too good an opportunity to miss. So off she went. Did he notice? no!
We don’t know if she was trailing Ali’s scent or looking for me. But she was found at Streatley Rec – quite some way away, towards Moulsford, but a place she knows well. Predictably, she would not go to the adults who tried to catch her. But a heroic 9 year old dog-loving little girl attracted her. And she was taken to their house.

The rescue family were very complimentary about her – a very affectionate dog apparently. Yes, so affectionate she prefers strangers to those she knows. She needs a psychiatrist.

And so the messages went on.
They are more really lovely people who are also awaiting Ukranian refugees but the paperwork has gone wrong. A very useful contact has been made as it is another mother and child. So H has done everyone a favour. Of sorts. ; / But the traffic and roads she has crossed mean an amazing escape. And Dave is in deep doo da.

Honestly! what planet is she on!
We whiled away the remaining afternoon at Neal and Anne’s , got lost in their local villages on the way home, retrieved our bonkers dog, gave Ali and Dave a lift to the B and W for a night of gaiety, bade goodnight to F,G and their guests, had a snack and retired to bed.
Timur is a delightful, bright little 6 year old boy, who somehow strung enough English words today to say to Ali:
“I love the United Kingdom.”
She was deeply touched. I suppose it is an expression of his relief at being returned to some sort of normality. This is his 4th home in 3 months. But one without the war zone hazards. And they were living in a safer part of Ukraine.
Maybe living here is not so bad. I should be more grateful.
Thoughts for the Day
How to find a missing dog

Thank you God for keeping an eye on her
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