Art… Maori …Tatto … Hot

I don’t think I have a future career as a tattooist.

Today was the hottest day of the year.

A good night passed and I was up around 05.00 as usual. Well… I exaggerate, I was a bit active but not very up. I can never really get going, despite some waggling, until I have showered. That is the best loosener.

I nipped into the car with H and we wandered down to the river from Streatley Rec. It was a clear and bright morning. A T-shirt morning. No people to disturb my reveries as we headed down to the river, a mirror in its stillness.

H was not very enthusiastic, but that is par for the course early in the day.

Before my return, I nipped to the local filling station to pick up some coffee (Yes! They had the real thing) and a couple of croissants. I was mildly irritated by all the tradespeople and their vans which were carelessly strewn across the filling station forecourt. In my way.

Once home, I tended to T who had obviously feasted at midnight, and on other occasions during the night. (Yesterday) Did I mention the 3 boxes of grapes I bought yesterday. Well the midnight fridge thief has made off with them. All of them.

And then I enjoyed an hour or so before departing for Abingdon. I was almost immediately thrown off course because the police had closed off the road near Wallingford. Cherry Belle and I trailed around South Oxfordshire , eventually arriving in Abingdon in plenty of time for my Art course.
Third pencil session today. I was not looking forward to it. Portrait based, at which I am worse than useless. But not any old portrait . A portrait of a tattooed Maori.

Well I tried! After Penny told me she thought my aeroplane was a view of two taps. What hope is there!

Very little!

It was really warm when I arrived home somewhat overheated. The hottest day of the year so far. I relaxed a while inside. And T got himself up and dressed.

The rest of the day passed unspectacularly. I almost fell asleep. Very nearly almost. But I held out until the evening. I survived to see the final episode of Wim Hof’s Freeze the Fear programme. The participants included some quite respectable celebrities eg Gabby Logan; Alfie Boe and sporty people and musicians etc. Many seemed deeply moved by their 6 week experience. It is certainly food for thought.

Nottingham knockers have been visiting Underhill, so social media tell me. Mixed reports. But I have no knowledge – it is between T and them.

The Tory party seem to be a nest of sexual abusers and porn viewers. Vipers too.

It looks as though Mariupol has finally fallen. Brave buggers in the Azovstal steel works may now be treated as war criminals. There is anxiety. I would not put it past the Ukrainians to re-form. And try to capture it back.

Thought for the Day

A few Picassoisms






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