Booster Jab (4)

Another night with disturbances, but a better sleep than some I have experienced recently.
There were bits and pieces about the elections that punctuated the disturbances, when I allowed them to. Nowadays it is nearly impossible for anything to penetrate my nighttime defences.

My cunning gardening plans which involve buying only a few plants at a time seem to be working. Buying a lot at one time usually overwhelms me and I don’t get them planted. and i neglect them. However, with the exception of one clematis, which requires further location thoughts, all are now in soil.

Once the rubbish disposal engineers had removed the garden rubbish, including those cuttings that were not ours, I was able to replenish the bin with grass cuttings and dandelion debris. I watered everything thoroughly including our new turf which is beginning to sulk due to lack of water.

I hope everything will blossom beautifully and be calming to look at.

Before I cut the grass
Just need warm sunshine and no frost

T nearly missed all the excitement due to his close relationship with the bed.

But he did get up to hinder my mowing efforts by cleverly moving the mower cable into all the wrong places. Then there was the sulk… ”If you don’t want my help…” NO – I did not!

I gave H a quick trot to the Rec and back, just in case…

But it was not necessary because T was ready in time for us to be able to take her for a quick walk at Greenham, before his appointment in Newbury. At 3.30pm.

The walk at Greenham was in lovely warmth with a pleasant breeze. The gorse was a deep yellow, slashes of it creating bright scars on the distant tracks. The cows have been busy producing cowlets. Loads of them. It was all very very nice.

This appointment was a call up for T’s 4th jab to which he is entitled, because he is so old, and is over 75. Of all the locations offered on the NHS website, Newbury was easier for me than Reading or Abingdon or Oxford, and just as easy to get to. And I know my way around and where to park, etc etc.

I left H in the car, deep in the shade of the Kennet Centre multi- storey car park, which is where the vaccination centre was situated, amongst all the closed commercial units that no one wants. I think I have read the centre is going to be converted into living space. I remember it being built!

I slung the sunflower lanyard around T, which was just as well, because he couldn’t remember his DOB or address. I wore a lanyard too with a big label explaining his condition. He felt a bit giddy afterwards. And they made him lie down and then sit for a while afterwards.

Back home – Jacket potatoes for supper . A chat with Pen who is now post Ofsted. And exhausted. The swings and roundabouts of their house move are a bit more positive. The awkward vendor now seems to have decided she will move out. So it is a question of: ‘watch this space. ‘

Both Biris and Keir seem to be in a spot of post election bother.

Thought for the Day






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