Happy Orthodox Greek Easter to all our friends and relatives out there.

I had a good sleep, awaking at the usual stupidly early sort of time. And then I did all the usual sorts of things. Flexing/ feeding etc. The day looked as though it might gift us with some sunshine at some point.
Then I spent time sorting T’s pills for most of the next two months.
Ali had ordered a craft container that was not fit for her purpose. But it was very fit for T’s pills. 4 weeks worth of pills. It takes a while, manipulating blister packs with wonky gingers riddled with arthritis. But hey, it is done now. Very smart.

I then took H out, via Lidl, which, predictably, did not have my requirements. How I love wasting my time.
H and I walked by the river at Cholsey again. It was T shirt weather. But not uncomfortably warm. Just pleasant. H paddled. I enjoyed the bench. We chatted to the odd passer by and then walked back to the car.

As I passed our local Morrisons shop/ filling station, I noticed the nice cat wash man was not busy, so he was commissioned to give my car the once over, inside and outside. This all took a while even though it was not that dirty. It probably feels better now it is nice and clean. Except fir the front passenger which is still struggling to get rid of the chocolate Magnum. In fact, it seems to be spreading.
T was up when we arrived home. I fed him and then had a long chat with Brenda. She is busy preparing for financial assessment to do with Michael going into a care home permanently.
Reni was also in touch. Charlie is settling in really well with Millie and the cat.

So today has been one of those where little happens. Life is so exciting! I forgot to mention various items I bought in the internet which should be delivered tomorrow.
Thought I had posted this – sending late …
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