Friday’s Blog


This original and exciting working title was at the suggestion of T.

Another early  start – out and about  by 05.40 into the murky dampness of the woods.  I was awoken by a strange orange colour staining our bedroom window, a sunny day maybe.  Briefly a sunny day.  By the time we crossed the road the murk had returned.

The girls don’t like murk very much.  It was very murky late yesterday. Last evening at about 21.30, as we crossed the road for a last comfort break in the powder room, the girls were only anxious to do one thing… get the hell out of there as quickly as possible, keeping their legs firmly crossed.  But they must have the strongest bladders of some reinforced material.  They survived until I released them this morning.

I am pleased to report that Millie seemed quite happy in her new accommodation.

The girls were definitely spooked by something  at the  start of the walk and kept stopping so I was nearly tripping over them. Eventually their courage returned and there was a lot of wide ranging scampering around particularly from Millie.  Right down by the stream and in all the mud.  And… oh dear me… I have left my doggy towel over  at Ali’s on our trip yesterday… will need another.

I briefly contemplated hosing Millie’s undercarriage , but felt it was a bit early to be making a commotion- (06.30) .  Millie ate her brekkie , Heidi didn’t really bother.

Now for the family … I now know that Evie and her partners are scheduled to compete around 10.50 up in Liverpool.  And again tomorrow afternoon. Good luck to them.

Honiton gym group competing at Liverpool- Evie is on the right with her partners

Evie (on left ) and Charlotte and Megan – her partners 

Local family- Ali and Fleur have left for their cycling adventure by train to Edinburgh and then by bike southwards. Dave and George will later be tracking them and erecting various base camps .

Farewell my lovelies and good luck

This is only two weeks after the Race to the Stones adventure.  Now… where does Ali get all this adventurous spirit from?

From her Dad of course.  Ali, being the youngest, was the last to depart the family nest.  So to keep her entertained , T used to devise various adventures for them, most notably:  the Great Mount Olympus adventure . And thereby hangs a tale.

As a family, we had lots of adventures, doings the hard ( and often the cheap) way. What normal family would make their way to Greece in an old SWB Land Rover , down the Yugoslav Coast – 1985?  Well we did!

And I drove the three kids back all on my own. Except  for the thousands of Turkish gastarbeiters littering the roads on their return  to Germany.

It’s 14.58

It’s raining just for a change.  More like a wet mist, such as you use to spray yourself ( or  ten dogs) on a hot day.

Our girls have been in the garden till the wet arrived and after a little visit to the powder room, they have chosen to enter their sleeping accommodation.


I’ve been to the gym!! For the first time in ten days.  Can’t think what has prevented my attendance.  And had a swim.  The pool is full of poxy kids now the holidays have arrived so it is really important to stick to adult swim times. The gym always benefits my knee and I now have such a long list of things to do , I could spend all day there.

I no longer see Wendy or Mrs M or Miss Very Thin due to my pitching up there later.  But the Thong and I are now on good speaking terms.

Back to Liverpool and Acro- gymnastics… I now know that Evie and her partners are lying in 10th place at these British Championships. We are feeling very proud.    👏👏 They have another routine to do tomorrow afternoon.  Then the scores are adjusted, and the top 8 go through to Sunday’s final.  It’s a long shot but you never know!

And as for the bikers …. well… here they are … or one of them…

Fleur – in Edinburgh – ready to go

Sad… just made arrangements to hand Millie over on Sunday… but it is time for her to move on to the next stage in her life.  And Heidi too.


For those of you who are not in the UK… stay away … the sky is unremittingly grey, there is nothing but heavy rain to look forward to with a slight bit of tumble drying on Monday and Tuesday.

We’ve just had our second walk of the day.  Now the dogs are making more of the morning walk, they seem content to lie around for most of the rest of the day. Though Heidi did get a second walk when I took her to Streatley.

She continues to be a choosy, moody eater, unlike Millie who has rarely turned her nose up at food. However, I added some chicken scraps to tonight’s meal…it didn’t linger in their bowls.








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